A meeting between Dr. Watson and Mr. Sherlock Holmes, Esquire.
Watson: (Gazing past his open newspaper, talking to Holmes) Who is behind this 12-21-2012 End of the World craze? And Why? Why have they begun hyping three years out? How did they get so well-orchestrated? It is obviously someone with a lot of money and a grandiose agenda. They are doing a masterful job of swaying the masses into fearing December 21, 2012. Now who do you suppose it could be? (pretend that we have some suspenseful music playing in the background, almost ominous). We need your help now more than ever, Mr. Holmes.
Sherlock: (busy with some scientific experiment) Let's go through the usual list of suspects, try to think of all the possible motives, and see if we can't come up with a few possibilities.
Watson: Right-o! Let's start with the Bible-Believing Christians. Usually it's the Bible bunch wanting to see the Lord come back and unleash His righteous indignation upon the wicked. In years gone by well meaning but misguided Christians have set dates for the second coming of Christ. Could it be them again? Maybe their zeal and excitement has got the best of them, due to the fact that they want the Lord to come. They have always been wrong in the past, you know. Is it them?
Sherlock: My dear Watson, the glaring absence of any Bible-believing groups promoting 2012 removes them from our list completely. At this point, none of them are selling their homes and moving up in the hills, waiting for the Lord to come. And honestly, if it was the Bible-believing Christians behind all this, everyone would laugh them to scorn. Think clearly now my good man:
1) They wouldn't have enough money to make it look so convincing.
2) They wouldn't be so organized and unified. (a snicker escapes his lips)
3) They wouldn't be given nearly as much publicity.
To be sure, we are still 3 years away, but if it were the Christians behind all this, the media would be mocking them incessantly. No, it isn't the Christians.
Watson: Quite so. Quite so. Dash it all. It is always so gratifying to blame the Bible-thumpers. Confound it. Ah well, let's move on down our list, shall we. Number 2 Would be the Sensationalists. You know who I mean don't you Holmes? Those who profit off of any big event. Namely, the news media, such as newspapers, radio, television, movie makers, etc. And then there are the T-shirt manufacturers, website builders, basically all your "promotional" people. What do you think Holmes? Could these guys be the culprits? I say.
Sherlock: Hmm (puffing on his curly pipe). You are getting closer, but I don't think you've hit it yet. (pause) No, these are not the people responsible. They are merely profiting from the big event. Like the guys selling watches and umbrellas, caps and t-shirts at sports stadiums. To be sure, they are profiting, but they lack a motive. (Holmes stares off into the distance). You see, my dear fellow, these are the pawns being used to hock the "stuff" on the street. They are the "front". Behind them, hiding somewhere, sinister, methodically plotting some devious scheme is our real perpetrator.
Watson: I say old man. Are you sure?
Sherlock: Without a doubt, old chap. These criminal types always get some unsuspecting dupe to do their dirty work for them. No, we haven't named our man yet. Let's keep digging through that list of yours, shall we?
Watson: Good heavens! All this thinking makes my head hurt. I wish this were simple? Blast it all! Very well. Our third one would be the Prophets and Fortune Tellers. They come in all stripes and colors, you know. There are Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, and everything in between. There are men, and there are women. There never seems to be a lack of these self-proclaimed visionaries. They each have a small spattering of a following. Some have their own websites too. I say, Holmes. Aren't you even listening to me? (Holmes had unconsciously been shaking his head negatively and making a look of disgust).
Sherlock: No, no, no. All wrong.
Watson: All wrong? What is all wrong?
Sherlock: The whole picture. Don't you see? All of them agreeing! All having the same date. No. Totally out of character. Where is the individuality? Where is the credit for the prediction? None can take the credit! How completely unprofessional. No self-respecting fortune teller or prophet would agree with another. It's counter productive. Bad for business.
Watson: You mean they all would disagree on purpose because they otherwise would be less than authentic?
Sherlock: Precisely, my good man. Well said. Well said. Shall we consult your list once more?
Watson: My dear friend, I only have one last suspect. To be honest, I put them at the bottom, for I didn't really suspect them at all, but some have suggested they be considered.
Sherlock: Quit balking and out with it then. Cat got your tongue?
Watson: (ashamedly, quite timidly) The New Age Movement and the New World Order.
Sherlock: What's that you say?! (in whispered tone now) Tell me. Why would anyone suspect them?
Watson: I saw it on the internet. Silly isn't it? Absurd. Preposterous. If you ask me, it couldn't be them in a million years. Really!
Sherlock: (after long silence) Not so fast. Hmm. You may be on to something there, old boy. Yes! That's it! You have just given us the men, the means, and most importantly, the motive.
Watson: I say! Me? But how? Who? Explain yourself won't you?
Sherlock: Delighted. (Holmes stands to his feet and strides across the room deep in thought).
1) Some cataclysmic event occurs.
2) The New Age Movement and the New World Order unite to usher in a new world leader (otherwise known as the antichrist)
3) The governments of the world cede power to him, for to refuse would mean annihilation. And there you have it. All this Mayan poppycock is just a set-up for power-hungry ambitious tyrants to steal our freedoms!
Watson: Good Havens, man! Are you sure? Not our sovereignty!?
Sherlock: Quite sure. Thus, the tried and true prophecies of the Bible are completely and exactly fulfilled, wherein none other than the Antichrist himself is enthroned. You see, no one else has the manpower, the means, or the motive to create such a crisis.
Watson: Phenomenal! Amazing! But how did you figure it out Holmes!
Sherlock: Elementary, my dear Watson. Elementary!