Bed Wetting Solutions - Five Tips That Can Help Stop Bed Wetting
While not all bed wetting solutions will work for every child, here are a number of steps you may perhaps want to think about when hoping to stop bed wetting.
Parents and children alike can find that wetting the bed is not only uncomfortable and exasperating, it is also very uncomfortable for your child when they start to have or attend sleepovers with their friends. That said, it is most likely that you are looking for some way to help your child conquer this irritating yet common problem.
Number One:
You may consider using a bed wetting alarm given that research shows that they can be among one of the most successful ways to help stop bed wetting. There are a number of different types available and when you consider the alternatives, the price is usually fairly reasonable, given the peace of mind that you and your child will encounter.
Number Two:
You may possibly want to check with your doctor to be sure that your child does not have a kidney or bladder problem, particularly if they are still wetting the bed after the age of five. These problems can be very serious and early detection is of course the best way to prevent any further damage.
Remember though, just because your child still wets the bed after age five does not necessarily indicate a problem but it is always better to be safe than sorry and your doctor may be able to give you answers to why your child is still having problems even if there are no underlying medical problems.
Number Three:
You can also try a technique called lifting, where you will awaken your child 2-3 hours after they have fallen asleep and have them go to the bathroom. This is probably the least desirable of all bed wetting solutions as it does not necessarily help your child learn to wake up and go to the bathroom on their own when their bladder is too full.
Still, if you have the time and the patience, it is a method you may want to try if you want to find a solution that won't cost anything but your time.
Number Four:
Set up a plan where you reward your child for each dry night they have. You can let them pick out a movie or take them for ice cream, etc. You get the idea. Perhaps even a sticker book or a wall chart that your child can put cute little stickers in or on every time they don't wet the bed.
Nearly all if not all children love to get little stickers as a reward and this can help motivate them to wake up and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night if they need to. After all it is quite possible that your child wakes up slightly but simply goes back to sleep instead of remembering to get up and go potty.
Number Five:
Last but not least is to just simply let your child grow out of their bed wetting problem naturally. Around 80-85% of all children will stop bed wetting by the time they have reached the age of five and the rest will most likely have outgrown the problem by the age of 7.
Nevertheless, there are some who can continue to wet the bed all the way up to age 12 and for a lot parents that is going to be unacceptable and really annoying.
Another point I would like to mention is that you should never blame your child or yell and scream at them. They do not wet the bed on purpose and they are almost certainly already embarrassed and have a feeling of low self-confidence. While it is frustrating as a parent, you should try to let your child know that you do understand and that you will do all that you can to help them with their bed wetting problem.
While this is by no means a total list of bed wetting solutions, it is a place to begin to help your child learn to stop bed wetting.
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