Fundamentals of Successful Dating

The future success of your dating relationship and its climax into a lifelong marital relation depends on the maturity of mental, emotional and physical behavior shown and exhibited by both the partners. Practices of a few dos and don'ts will definitely help in making your relationship strong and successful.

Do's: leading towards the success

Quote sweet and memorable nothings. The work life of today's couples has become so busy that they hardly get any time to chat for long hours on phone. SMSs are a way out. Send small cute and loving text messages to your partner. Just this much will make your partner feel happy and he/she will be able to understand the importance of your relationship.

Just send a message if you are at a long-distance: Messaging is the easiest way to connect to your partner. Share that happy surprise with your partner to make him or her happy. Even, if you are not in a position to call up your partner at least a loving message will make them happy. Apart from messaging from mobile phone, you can also send some email greetings to your partner showing her how much you are missing her. Your partner will be pleased by your greetings.

Inform each other about your first date. It is vital to communicate your partner and inform the day and time when you are planning to go and meet him or her. This pre-date communication has to be light and fun filled. Also, know about your partner's favorite bands, movies, freak out places and other sources of entertainment so that you can plan the date accordingly. This information can be used for surprising your partner when you meet her for the first time.

Don'ts: leading towards the success

Never presume: If you have received some unpleasant message from your partner don't form an opinion then and there. Sometimes written messages are unclear and can be misinterpreted. So it is better to clarify before you conclude something absolutely negative and wrong about your partner. Clear your suspicions and doubts when you are face to face. Complete reliance on written texts and e-mails will lead to negative imagination and insecurity.

Don't create abbreviations: sending brief and small messages is good. It helps in saving a lot of money and time spent in messaging. Try to use common abbreviations for terms. Use only those symbols and terms that are commonly used by people. Instant creation of new words and terms lead to passing of rubbish and nonsense text and your partner might misunderstand you.

Don't tease and make fun of your partner: fun games and messages are often used to flirting the other person and put in an element of fun and enjoyment in your communication. The most important things are honesty and truthfulness in your feelings. But fun is dissimilar from mocking. So never mock at your partner and make him or her feel offended. This will create a bad impression about you in your partner's mind. Follow the above-mentioned dos and don'ts when you are planning a dating with your partner!


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