Simply Abundance

The concept of the Law of Attraction has become almost mainstream in American culture today. Instruction abounds -- from "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill; to the many books comprising the Seth material channeled by Jane Roberts; to the Abraham teachings by Esther and Jerry Hicks; and, of course, the movie "The Secret."

Essentially the Law of Attraction states that "like attracts like," meaning that our thoughts are magnets drawing into our lives the equivalent of what we think... or that our negative attitude interprets our life experience as unsatisfying and unhappy, no matter what the circumstances.

But undoing negative patterns; eliminating stress; and finding inner peace by consciously choosing life-affirming thoughts, takes understanding what we really believe on the deepest level. Some people get results with the Law of Attraction; many others feel frustrated and dissatisfied.

So what is going on when positive-thinking and the Law of Attraction do not seem to work?

There is another way to understand the Law of Attraction, that can make its application both more successful and satisfying on a deeper level -- "LOA" is simply the memory of God within our minds. With that memory comes a legacy of inner peace, love and joy.

True abundance is simply a state of mind -- it has nothing to do with material things. Abundance is actually an effortless by-product of connecting with Spirit -- through meditation, contemplation, receptive listening, surrendering our identification with the ego (or our personal self) to Spiritual Guidance. The outcome is a kind of halo of abundant peace, love and joy rippling through our lives -- no matter what our circumstances.

Manipulating our worldly lives is a very small goal compared with reconnecting with Spiritual Truth, because within the Truth lies True Abundance. When we are God-Empowered, our lives radiate Love and overflow with the sharing of our good fortune with others.


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