Love is All You Need - Not!

In so many ways we are bombarded daily with the idea that being in a relationship is about love. We get this message through movies, music, and in everyday discussions with others. Love is all you need, love conquers all. What is commonly called love is most often infatuation- that feeling that you get when you meet someone who you are attracted to, a person with whom you have good sex, strong chemistry. This intense feeling is like being superhuman, being at one with the universe, you are on cloud nine! And over time you may even develop an attachment that we interpret as love. If it feels good it must be love!

We are taught that if you are "in love" that everything else will just work.

But these feeling fade, shift, and change too much to be reasons to choose a person to marry.

But the reality is that love is not enough (in a long term committed relationship).

Don't get me wrong, love is important in a relationship. You must care about your partner, wish good things for them, want to see them succeed, grow, and be happy. Attraction Chemistry is the glue that holds a relationship together. But being in love is just one piece of being in a happy committed relationship!

Early in a relationship your heart might say "this is the one". Emotions like love are powerful in how they affect us. But when we make decision based solely on emotion, the chances of failure are high. When it comes to relationships, making decisions must involve your rational, thought processes. You must use your heart and your head! Unfortunately, we really don't know what guidelines to use in finding a life partner.

Relationship coaching for singles can help you to clarify your vision in relationship- the key to finding happiness and fulfillment!


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