Get Back With Your Ex Boyfriend For a Happier Holiday Season
There are a few things that you can do to get back with your ex boyfriend for a happier holiday season. But first of all let me ask you something - Why do you want that jerk back? Think about it, he told you on your face that he did not want you anymore and left you crying with a cup of eggnog on your hand. But all of a sudden, out of nowhere you started thinking that it is impossible to live without him, and feel even more in love now that you broke up, than before. You are unable to stop thinking about him, you are hardly eating, you can barely sleep and you will soon look like a creature from the scary movies. Every time the phone rings, you think is him. Every time you have a new message in your email in-box, you think is him. It is like the whole world is revolving around him. But why?
Well, let me just go to what you really want to read because you are probably doing that anyway.
There are two ways to get back with your ex boyfriend before the holidays.
The "Psychotic" Way to Get Back With Your Ex
1 - Tell him that you are pregnant
2 - Start dating his best friend
3 - Call his girlfriend
4 - Spread rumors
5 - Call his family
6 - Sleep with him, that is a killer
The "Healthy" Way to Get Back With Your Ex
1 - Stay calm
2 - Leave him alone
3 - Find the reasons
4 - Control your jealousy
5 - Live your life
6 - Take care of yourself
7 - Accept that you broke up
It is all up to you but to get back with your ex boyfriend for a happier holiday season I would go with the second way.
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