Hey Leave Tiger Woods Alone - He is Great Human Being

It's amazing how many people don't trust the media in the United States, and I happen to be one of them and I'd like to explain to you why. You don't have to look any further than the attacks on the personal integrity and personal character of Tiger Woods, after he got into a car accident outside his home. The media completely fueled speculation of a cover-up of some type, and that there was more to this story. The reality is that the media loves to burn people down, and their favorite people to burn down are those that they have built up over the years.

However, Tiger Woods is not a normal celebrity. He is a superstar of humanity, a winner, and a creative genius and eminent achiever in golf. He has worked tirelessly, competitively, and he deserves everything he's amassed, as well as the notoriety and fame he has achieved. If we as a society allow our media to trash such an excellent human being, then our media is no longer needed. In fact, I became quite disgusted, listening to all the celebrity pundits, and personal branding experts say negative things about one of my personal heroes; Tiger Woods.

Interestingly enough, I was not alone in my summation, and as I talk to all my friends about this issue, they agreed with me; the media needs to leave Tiger alone, he is a great person -period, end of story. I was quite happy to see that the media had done polls of what people had thought about the incident with Tiger Woods, and they all agreed that it was none of the media's business, that they had no right to pry into his personal life, and he wasn't some sort of popularized Hollywood movie star.

This guy has actually achieved something in life and become the best in the world at what he does because he works the hardest, trains the hardest, and focuses the most. It is no wonder that people don't trust the media. They try to sensationalize everything, and make stories out of nothing. Next time you see someone being exploited in the media like this, turn off the TV, and call the news station and tell them of your disapproval, disappointment, and disgust. Until we do that, the media will keep trashing the greatest people amongst us. And that just isn't right. Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this.


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