Six Days and Seven Nights

I saw a movie a few years ago called 6 days, 7 nights. Anne Heche and Harrison Ford were in a bar on a beautiful tropical island - Heche says that she and her fiance came there hoping to 'find', in the peaceful beautiful setting, the romance they had lost because of their busy hectic careers in the big city. An inebriated Ford replies, "It's an island, babe, if you didn't bring it with you, you won't find it here."

Don't you agree that's true? We always search for people or things outside of ourselves to try and find the joy that we feel we are lacking, and to our dismay we find that they are unable to acquiesce to our request. Ultimately, when we discover or create the joy from within us, and not from outside influences or people, that inner found joy is the one that truly completes us. It is "now" the one thing that no one and nothing can ever take away from us.

Many people may argue that they cannot function without this person or that thing, that they are not complete without another person, but they are missing the most important revelation of their life and it is that each one of us is all that is, we (each of us) are One with All That Is, we are already complete perfection. We have truly forgotten our own Divinity and the power that accompanies that remembrance.

"When you find or create joy from within and share it, every person you interact with becomes your soul mate." Hey, I just made up my very own quote! "As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." - A Course in Miracles.


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