Make Him Commit - This Will Have Him Begging For You

Are you at that stage in your life where you're ready to take the plunge, but you don't know how to make him commit? Have you tried to push a man down this path before and it was simply disastrous? Are you at a completely loss as to what you did wrong and fear doing the wrong thing again? When women get that sudden urge to get a man to make a commitment to them, they often take desperate measures and everything goes awry.

Men really can't be forced into doing much of anything, and when it comes to something as big and important as committing to a relationship, their resistance level goes up. The more you push and insist that they make a solid commitment to you, the more they are apt to pull away, if not run away entirely. Instead of taking a hard take on the situation, back up, take a good breath and look at the relationship that you have.

Are things rolling along nicely and you are the one who is suddenly feeling the rush for more? Don't forget that he might not have entered this relationship with the same sense of urgency as you. Just because you feel the urge to settle down doesn't mean he's there yet.

Take it slow and let the fun and easy relationship you have with him take over. Make every date fun and show your adventurous side by being open to the idea of trying new things. If he sees that being with you is a lot of fun and he comes to realize his life is pretty dull when you're not there, he'll be the one asking you to commit to him.

Many men fear losing their freedom and their ability to go out and have fun. If you've already cloistered him up and the most fun you have is when you choose a movie to rent for you Saturday night together, he may start wondering what his life with you will become. Don't cling and don't be overly possessive by preventing him from going out and enjoying his activities.

Show him you respect the man that he is and don't be afraid to let him know you admire him. Few men want to be around a woman who makes them feel awful, so be the one who picks him up and makes him feel good about himself and the growing relationship with you.

If you follow these simple steps, you won't even have to work at making him commit to you because he'll be one step in front of you. In no time, he'll be asking you to take him seriously.


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