Two Personality Traits That Kill Your Success With Women
Ever wonder why some guys seem to attract women effortlessly? Perhaps its the good looks or the big muscles. Those qualities do help but physical appearance isn't as important as you think. The greatest obstacle to your success with women is yourself. If you have average looks, then it's not your physical self that's the problem, it's what's going on or not going on in your head.
Your two greatest enemies in this regard are:
1.) Passivity - If your love life is nonexistent and always has been, don't count on fate to do you any favors. Thinking that your perfect mate is out there somewhere and that it's just a matter of time before the two of you meet is a lot of romantic nonsense. Leave that scenario to the movies. It's not likely to ever happen in real life if you're a guy. This is also a feminine point of view. It can work for women if they're attractive and they're reasonably social. They mostly need to be around men socially and it's up to the men to make the first move.
Nothing will change if you do nothing about your problem. If you're starving without a roof over your head, do you think that fate will just magically give food and shelter to you? Even winning the lottery requires that you buy a ticket. So if your love life has always been dead, you need to do something about it. You will need to expend a lot of energy to make it happen. Most of the guys that seem to be good with the ladies have been actively working at the skill. With enough experience it becomes intuitive for them.
2.) Lack of confidence or poor self esteem - Not having confidence will defeat you in two ways. First, you'll find it too difficult to even approach a woman. If you do, you'll most likely be paralyzed or say the wrong things. You will find it impossible to deal with the inevitable rejections that are a fact of life in the dating scene.
Second, women are attracted to confident men. Without it you're missing one of the most important and necessary ingredients to being attractive. If you don't have it, you can only hope for someone who's attracted to your shyness. This will only happen if you have some other extraordinary quality or strength that is very unusual. However, the odds won't be working in your favor.
This article so far has had a negative tone, but I'm not trying to discourage you. The good news here is that you have the power to change both of the above points. Passivity may be built into your personality or it's the result of a false belief that everything will work out on its own in the end. Taking action has a way of feeding off itself and of gaining momentum. Once you're in the habit of actively doing the right things, you will find your life changing for the better.
Confidence can be learned. It won't be easy and will require that you get in there and gain experience. The best way to start is to not think of winning over a woman as a do or die thing where your entire feelings of self worth are wrapped up in the outcome. You're better off treating it as a kind of exercise where you learn from your mistakes and get better with each try. Don't place women on a pedestal, it will only make it more difficult to approach them. They're just people. On the other hand, never regard or treat them as objects.
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