Network Marketing - 5 Reasons Why You Should Be a Network Marketer
Network Marketing has been called a lot of things over the years. The term is almost as divisive as calling someone a conservative or a liberal. Many people hear those two words and before you can tell them any more about your great opportunity they are shutting you down. Being associated with 'pyramid schemes' and 'sales' have caused the general populous to become wary of the industry. However, with the downturn of the economy and the uncertainty of the job market, I would like to share five reasons why you should become a network marketer.
Reason 1: You Have A Chance To Build A Business
How many days have you gotten up for work and wished you had come up with a great idea like 'Netflix' or 'Wal-Mart' or some other successful business? While it is possible to come up with your own great idea for a business, bringing it to fruition is often a long and difficult process. There are so many factors that can cause a business to fail even if the initial idea is outstanding. The beauty of network marketing is you have a chance to build your own business. Marketing a known commodity is one of the best ways to build a successful business. While it may not be your idea/product you can still develop your business with regard to the people you work with, the amount of time you spend doing it, and the way you market it.
Reason 2: Selling Stuff Is For The Birds
One of the first objections people have to Networking Marketing is the selling aspect. Many people do not have the time or the drive to market a product full time with their hectic schedules. However, the days of door to door sales is yesterdays news. With the plethora of free marketing tools that the internet provides there are many simple, cost effective ways to get your product in front of potential customers or distributors.
Reason 3: Time Flies No Matter What
Another objection people have when it comes to Network Marketing is the time factor. People are busy with their regular jobs, families, and other obligations. People often say they do not want to commit any extra time to something because they are barely getting by doing what they are doing. Blah, Blah, Blah...
And that is the point of Network Marketing. You are investing the time now so that you can use build a legacy and a foundation for you and your family. You can either spend the time making ends meet for the rest of your life or you can spend time working on the means to an end.
Reason 4: You Can Dream Again
Too many days you are on the drive to or from work or maybe spending a late night at the office and you wonder: 'Is This All There Is?' The daily grind of 9 to 5 can be a dream killer. Remember when you were a kid and you thought you could be a doctor, lawyer, or a movie star? With Network Marketing you can start dreaming again. While there is no such thing as overnight success in business, excluding lottery winners, there is a proven way to achieve success in most Network Marketing companies. Network Marketing Companies top earners often have books, publications, and seminars which show you how to duplicate their success. These materials will help inspire you and put you on a path to begin your success story. By surrounding yourself with successful people and positive interactions your dreams will start to come alive again.
Reason 5: You Can't Win If You Don't Play
You have often heard the saying: 'Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained'. I would say that if you have not tried Network Marketing and are curious about trying it go ahead and take the plunge. What's the worst that could happen? If you do not have enough time to pursue it you can always go back to your 9 to 5. Conversely, if you have tried Network Marketing before and it hasn't worked out, the next time could be the charm.
Besides is there a really a price (time or money) you can put on being financially independent?
The industry of Network Marketing is not going away anytime soon. Unless you have a great idea for a business or product in your back pocket Network Marketing is the one industry that can give you the financial security and time freedom you deserve.
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