Let's Tear Down the Hollywood Sign and Put Up Wind Generators!

"Mr. Hollywood - Tear Down This Sign!" It's amazing how much Hollywood goes out of their way to promote environmental causes and alternative energy. They have even jumped on that Global Warming Alarmist Bandwagon, and yet, I find it fascinating that I don't see any large wind generators next to the Hollywood sign out there in Los Angeles.

Is this just more; "do as I say not as I do." Now then, I believe in free speech, and I believe anyone should be allowed to support any cause they wish. I support the causes that I believe in, and they should too, as that's what America is all about.

However, I also believe that you should put your money where your mouth is and if you believe in alternative energy then you should have solar panels on your house, and before you tell another group of people to go put up wind generators, then go ahead and put them in your own backyard first. In other words, don't drive a Hummer or a turbo BMW and then tell all of us to go out and drive electric street legal golf carts and smart cars.

So, I have a proposition; let's tear down the Hollywood Sign and put up wind generators. You know the kind of the wind generators that are 150 feet tall with blades that are nearly 60 feet long, the kind that make a humming sound all night so you can't sleep. The kind which kill the birds that hit them, and the bats that pass by. Why not?

If it's okay for the rest of the world and it is okay for every citizen in America to pay additional tax dollars to force other people to put wind generators in their backyards, then why don't we start in Hollywood, and why do we let them pay for it? Please consider all this, and by the way I am not accepting e-mails from Hollywood movie stars about this article. If you have a rebuttal twitter your 30,000 followers, but I'm busy.


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