The Law of Attraction is Working in Your Life Whether You Know it Or Not

The Law of Attraction has been studied and written about for over a century, but since the release of the book and movie The Secret, it has become much more widely known. Unfortunately, it has also been treated as some kind of magical "wish machine" where all you need to do is think about what you want and sit back and wait for it to manifest.

That's not the way it works though, as nice as it might be if it were true. The fact is, without action on your part, all the wishing, focusing and attracting in the world isn't going to get you very far. The key that's missing in most of the materials teaching the Law of Attraction is the work you still need to put in to attract what you want.

The catch is, you might be working against yourself and attracting the very things you don't want. Thinking positive thoughts is not going to attract what you want if your actions are all coming from the opposite direction.

For example, if you want to get out of debt you might be thinking positive thoughts, working to attract a debt-free life. But if you cringe every time you open the mailbox and find a bill, or check the caller ID on your phone every time it rings to see if it's another collection call, guess what your actions are actually attracting?

That's right - more debt. Or at least maintaining your current situation.

You need to start taking actions that are consistent with what you want to attract. This means that you need to change your underlying beliefs and attitudes about money and debt before you can truly attract the debt-free lifestyle you want.

And you'll be surprised how quickly things can turn around when you get your actions in line with your goals and desires. Little things will start happening that you might not even notice at first, but before you know it that magical Law of Attraction will suddenly start to work for you.


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