Skin Moles Removal - Are You Ready For This?
Are you really in love with that growth on your skin?
If you are thinking about removing your mole, I think that it is safe to assume that you are not totally in love with it. Some people came to fall in love with theirs, while others may have loved them at one point something happens then you don't like your mole anymore. A mole will grow with time as you grow. They may start as a flat brown spot, much like a freckle then gradually grow with you. If you are going through the process of skin mole removal, you may already have spoken with your doctor and got his approval. There are different methods of removing them, you have to make sure you choose the one that will leave the least scar behind.
It is not a big hairy mole, is it?
The skin cell that produce melanin, melanocytes, is the cause for moles. Some of them can be as cute as a button and some of them can be quite big and grow some hair. You may have seen these kind of moles in the old movies with the wicked witch and she would have a big hairy mole on her face and all the kids would be afraid of her. In reality, the wicked witch could have been quite pretty and quite nice as a younger woman then her mole would become bigger as she gets older then she would get teased about it and turned into a wicked witch with a hairy mole. What a sad story.
Check with your doctor to be sure!
Many people have had moles throughout their lives and it would stay the same or would grow slightly. On the other hand, there are also growth tumors that starts out like moles and would keep on growing and changing size, shape and color. These are the kind that you should have checked by a doctor to be on the safe side. The doctor would suggest that a biopsy be taken. I have known a young lady who had what seemed to be a mole, then she eventually died because they were malignant tumors. I am not telling you this to scare you. I just want to let you know that there are different types of moles and while most of them are benign, there are some that are potentially dangerous.
It is just a regular one!
If you think you have the common one called dysplastic nevus, check for irregularities such as, color and shape and size. According to statistics, people with dysplastic moles have a bigger chance of developing skin melanoma. Again I don't want you to be afraid, If your mole looks normal then there is a good chance it is and you'd have nothing to worry about. After all skin mole removal is only a process to help you dispose of yours only if you are not happy with them. If you are happy then keep up smiling and be beautiful.
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