Deprogram Your Mind - Awaken Your True Power

If you live in a pervasive state of unhappiness then I'd like you to know there's a very simple reason for this. It's because you exist within a confused state that has literally cut you off from your Inner Truth and the courage to follow it. Where does this Inner Truth live? Well it's not in your mind, rather in your Heart. If you would like to know how to de-program your mind so that you can reconnect to this Truth and the power that lays therein read on.

So what does deprogramming the mind have to do with happiness? Well it may, or may not, surprise you that many try to "figure out" what will make them happy and this is done via the mind. In the mind reside all of the learned beliefs that supposedly help you navigate your way to success, happiness and fulfillment.

After many years of buying into and pursuing societal definitions of success I was left feeling empty and unfulfilled. Let me be clear here, it wasn't because I didn't achieve these lofty goals, I did indeed. At one time I was a "successful" psychiatrist earning a six figure income, with a beautiful home and in a seemingly happy relationship. All the while however I felt empty and very much unfulfilled.

Yes, I had followed the "success" propaganda much of my life but at the pinnacle of my "successful" life I realized that I had been sadly duped. So after a period of hard self reflection I became consciously aware of how I had allowed myself to be deceived and out of this also came an answer that awakened my Heart to my Inner Truth. Well, the rest is history as they say.

I realized that, like most human beings on the planet, I had lost a connection to who I was and why I was here. In essence I had lost a connection to my purpose in being alive and the experience of what meant to be truly alive. I realized that I had allowed myself to become a pawn in the competitive "game of life" that many still ardently subscribe to here at great cost to their well being and integrity.

Most importantly I realized that my purpose was to help others wake up to their Inner Truth. This sprouted a powerful process that helps one become consciously aware of the unconsciously programmed limiting beliefs that rob many of their birth right; their powerful creative abilities, their ability to know who they are as divine beings and their true purpose in being alive.

You see, it is the absence of this deeper awareness that results in unhappiness. After all, how can anyone be truly happy if they have no clue about who they really are, what they are capable of and why they are here? Well, they can't!

All of the "mind programming" I am referring to exists in your subconscious mind where it is both inaccessible to you and very much in control of your life. In other words you are enslaved by it with no way to change it. What's more it is supported and reinforced by what I call the "movie" of you life history.

This, in essence, "is" the programming which must be erased if you are to awaken, remember who you are and reclaim your true power. If you'd like to learn more about the process that can set you free kindly visit the web site below where you can also request a free introductory telephone consultation.


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