Copywriting Secrets - The One Critical Component That's Usually Missing
When it comes to making a sale, there's one critical copywriting secret that's almost always missing.
See, at the heart of every great sales letter is a great offer. And at the heart of every great offer, is a sweet tasty promise, prospects believe you can deliver on.
Without an offer, you sell nothing.
This is why most business cards are absolutely worthless, for instance. They give you a phone number, a silly logo with cute fonts, and someone's name (which, if you think about is, is what most conventional ads do, too!). And this is as compelling as a small soap dish, and it's exactly why 100% of all business cards go straight into the trash, literally moments after you empty your pockets.
See, if you want to make a sale you have to offer something, and you usually have to offer something spectacular. You have to promise to deliver something in such a way that your prospect truly feels their life will be far better off AFTER they've been bathed in the benefits of your promise, than it is right now.
Here are three ways of doing this. They aren't fancy, they don't take advantage of the latest technological mumbo-jumbo, and they don't boost your rankings in the search engines. But they allow you to connect with your prospects and will make you a small fortune over time. (And by the way, don't foolishly believe you make a small fortune overnight -- that's only in the movies and in business opportunity sales letters. Most people who make a killing, make it over time. But... when they do make it -- watch out, it comes in like a tidal wave you never saw coming!)
Anyway, here are three things that will make your offers sweet and tasty:
One, a comforting guarantee, something like this: " If after going through the program, you don't feel TRULY energized, inspired, and invigorated... if you don't feel the URGE to go out and make yourself a bunch of money... and if you don't feel a new energy flowing through your arteries, and your heart filled with fresh optimism and hope, then simply box it back up and send it back to my office, and we'll refund your small investment in the program without a hitch. And you can take up to six months to do this, no worries."
Reducing the risk your buyer might otherwise have to take, works like gangbusters. And if you have a great product, this should be very easy to do. For my "How To Make Maximum Money With Minimum Customers" manual, for example, I offer a lifetime guarantee, and it's been very effective.
Two, a great testimonial, like this: "I have listened to your "Excuse Busters CD" from How To Make Your Dreams Come True, at LEAST 7 times -- you have cut YEARS off my learning curve as a new entrepreneur. " Bill Parlaman - Chester Springs, PA
Always provide the full name and location of the person who gave you the testimonial. Otherwise, it looks like you made it up. And besides, if you have good testimonials, you should be proud of them and share them with everyone you can.
And three, whenever possible, add an element of scarcity to your offer. You have to realize, no one's in a rush to give you money. So the more you can create some sense of urgency in your prospect, to take action right now... the more likely they will do so.
So don't forget to make an offer. It's a critical copywriting secret that separates ads that work, from ads that... don't do anything.
Now go sell something, Craig Garber
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