Some Simple Steps Help You Reduce Your Electricity Bill

Are you getting fed up with the high electricity bills you are getting? There are steps you can take to reduce your bills by using some simple procedures that anyone can follow. One of the most basic things you need to do is turn off the lights in the rooms you are not using. Just this step can go along way at reducing some costs.

How about turning off the lights when you are only watching the television. You watch movies at a theater in the dark, why not at home. Unless you are reading a book and watching the TV at the same time turn off the lights. Try using Compact Fluorescent Bulbs or CFL's. These do make a difference in your energy use. They are much cooler so you have less heat output if you are trying to cool the house. And they use much less watts. A 65 watt CFL uses about 13 watts depending on the manufacturer.

Your appliances use their share of electricity but it's more about how you use them as how many you have. Do you leave your TV on all day whether someone is watching or not, its energy consumption adds up. How about keeping your thermostat set where you can just keep warm or cool. Set your computer for hibernation or sleep mode so it will shut down if not used, it will restart when you move the mouse. You can also just turn it off if you're not using it.

This is only a sample of what you can do to save on your electric bill. Look around your home and you will discover other things to do that helps. Have you thought of trying solar power to supplement your electricity? You could build one yourself for a reasonable cost that would do well to help out.


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