Do You Want to Know How to Attract Your Desires and Achieve Your Goals?

The universal law of attraction is a law that is always on. You cannot change it, and it is already active in your life - dependent on what you focus upon. If you decide to get smart about it, instead of creating your life by default, you can use the law of attraction to help you attract your desires and achieve your goals.

You Are Already Asking the Universe for Your Desires
Your desires start from within and they emanate outward from you in the form of energetic vibrations. But not everything you desire is sent out to the universe in a manner you would like to receive it. If you have any fear associated with your desire - you could be drawing what you fear to you instead of what you desire.

How to Really Ask The Universe for What You Want
According to the universal law of attraction, all you have to do is ask the universe for what you want, and you will receive it. In the movie The Secret they said that all you have to do is Ask, Believe and Receive. While this is technically correct - thinking the thought, believing, and receiving doesn't always work for some people.

The reason? There is no power in the asking.

It takes powerful thoughts combined with powerful emotions to create a feeling for the universe to respond to.

What Empowers The Asking?
Thought alone does not create your desires, nor does emotion alone create your desires. Your desires are created when your thought marries your emotion. This then creates a feeling that is emanated from your magnetic heart center back into the universe to bring you what you desire.

But How Come It Doesn't Show Up?
The reason it may not be "showing" up in your life is because you have a block to receiving it. As young children, we took on the belief systems and energy patterns of our caretakers by embracing them or rejecting them outright. Or maybe we took a little bit of this and a little bit of that. But if you find yourself constantly hitting the ceiling of your desires, it is because you have serious energy blockages going on and you can't receive what you want.

Or you may be experiencing self-sabotage. Since 80% of your life operates from the subconscious part of your being, much like the underside of an iceberg from below the surface, you may not even be aware of your self-sabotaging behavior as it happens unconsciously.

Our belief systems and energy patterns reside in the subconscious part of our being and if you are trying to attract something that is outside the realm of these systems' acceptability, you're going to have a revolt on your hands and a self-sabotaging of your conscious efforts.

Remove The Energy Blockages
To receive your desires, you must remove the energy blockages and reprogram your system. It is as if you are reformatting your hard drive. Hidden within your being are programs, viruses, and patterns that no longer serve you. They served you at one time when you were young, mostly out of survival, but now they serve no purpose other than to keep you limited.

Whatever it is that you desire to manifest, you can do it with heartfelt thought and emotion. It may take some time, or it could happen immediately, once you remove what is blocking your desire. I've found it's easier to start small, and then move up to the big things. Once you get the feel of how it feels to manifest something, you'll know when you hit that block.


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