Christmas is Coming - Beware of the Turkeys!
Once more we are into December, and here in the UK we have had our first frost of the year. As I look out of my office window the fields are white. Maybe we will get some snow this year before Christmas? The kids hope so.
But as Christmas approaches, just a few weeks away, the Turkeys are all out in force!
What do I mean? Well I don't mean the birds. Look up turkey in the dictionary and one definition is shown as:
a. A person considered inept or undesirable.
b. A failure, especially a failed theatrical production or movie.
And in this instance I mean the failed or inept 'Business Opportunities' that are being hawked around by the usual suspects... again.
Yes, the approach to Christmas is always a time when people look for ways to make a bit of extra money, maybe start a business of their own, and so they start to be bombarded with emails about useless, unprofitable, or totally out of date ideas all dressed up as golden opportunities.
This is the bumper harvest for the scammers and rip-off merchants who will happily sell worthless junk to anyone and everyone. They are guaranteed a comfortable and prosperous Christmas and don't really care if their 'golden opportunities' make absolutely NOTHING for the people who buy them.
So be very careful where you spend your money if you are still looking for a GENUINE way to make money online.
Don't get me wrong here, there are a lot of ways to make real money from the internet - I do it full time. But keep your wits about you and don't fall for the 'get rich quick' merchants who will just take your money and run.
Remember the golden rule: If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is too good to be true. You can't magic money out of thin air, somebody has to lose it or spend it for someone else to receive it, so don't get taken in by fancy claims on flashy websites. You worked hard to get your money so look after it wisely.
And most of all, have a very happy Christmas and a prosperous new year!
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