"I'll Be Back" - Words of Wisdom About Success in Weight Training and Promises to Return
Few phrases are more memorable in weight training and in Hollywood than "I'll be back." Those words uttered (in a robotic Austrian accent) by bodybuilder-movie-star-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger promised a return of the Terminator. But they are also wise words from a highly successful body builder about getting back to the gym and getting back in shape. Whether you are returning to the gym for the first time in years or you are stepping up your work outs to build strength and stamina, you need to set up a conditioning program that challenges you without hurting you. Nothing is more frustrating and de-motivating than to return to the gym, begin to see results from your heavy labor - only to be stalled or stopped by chronic pain or injury.
Here is what may have happened
Again, whether you are returning to the gym for the first time in awhile or you are simply upping your conditioning intensity, if your body is "disorganized" you WILL get recurring pain in old injury spots. And you will need to back off your workouts or quit altogether. What is a "disorganized" body?
Your body is a spiral (rather than the standard t-shape you may think it is). If you look closely at yourself in the mirror, you will see that one shoulder is hire than the other, and when you turn to the left or right, you will find that you turn more easily one way than the other (I turn more easily to the left, by the way). But that spiral is in your body at every level - from your swirling DNA strands to your muscles to your sketalal structure --one layer coiled lithely upon the next.
Overtime, your body is hit with injury, repetitive motion strain and the cumulative stress of sitting too much or slouching too often. These things cause your muscles, tendons and their protective sheath (called the fascia) to bunch up around the strains and pains in order to protect them. The result is that the beautiful, natural spiral of your body gets pushed and pulled into all manner of wacky shapes. What you feel is pain. Sharp pain in old, scarred-over injuries. Prickly, irritating pain in tired, overworked areas like shoulder blades and upper back. And throbbing burning pain in "end-points" - the spots that are at the end of the spiral - like your head and neck.
How do you RE-ORGANIZE your body?
One of the best ways to treat a disorganized body AND improve conditioning results is to have structural bodywork done. During your first visit with a Structural Therapist, the first thing I (or any SI practitioner) will do is relieve any immediate pain you are having. Following that, you and I will spend 10 to 20 minutes discussing your current lifestyle (how long you sit during your work day, whether you lift heavy objects, etc.) as well as any past injuries you have had. Once I know the root of the problem, I will be able to treat the precise parts of your body (and your spiral) needed to relieve ongoing pain and create ease and balance throughout your entire body.
Your treatment may require more than one session to address all problem areas. With each session, I methodically unwrap painful layers that have built one upon the other. By the end of the sessions, movement and fluidity will be restored throughout your body. You will rediscover a range of motion you'd forgotten you had. And you will find it much easier and less painful to return to the gym and to meet your conditioning goals.
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