What Does it Take to Succeed at Anything? Do You Want to Be Rich? Or Are You Going to Be Rich?
We've seen or heard of the movie, The Secret. It talks about what successful people know, what do they do, how is it that they succeed at anything and everything they do? Well the answer is quite simple, and at the same time not so simple. The simple answer is doing, but doing what?
The first and foremost thing one must do is have the desire to be successful. I'm not talking about wanting something, but desiring it. The difference is you can want something, like money, or financial success, or a job, but desiring it means it becomes a part of your being. Wanting is something that one sees happening. For example, wanting something to eat, or a new car, or a mate, it doesn't matter, it's just want. It's abstract; it's something all living things do. Desire on the other hand, is something you actually do.
Desire means you know very specifically what you want. Not I want more money, but I want $5000 by the end of next month. Not only do you want something, but you have said to yourself that you are going to do something to make it happen. You have to make the commitment to make it happen.
So now you've thought about putting this to application, "I'm going to make it happen because I desire it to happen", and you need to know what to expect. Expect failure. Don't panic, don't quit, don't freak out, it's not the end of the world, but the next frontier. The most common cause for failure is temporary defeat. There is no such thing as permanent defeat, but only temporary defeat. Do not quit without seeking some kind of professional assistance.
I'm not talking about a psychiatrist; I'm talking about what you're trying to succeed at, being successful. The greatest success comes, just one step beyond that point where one thinks defeat has overtaken them. Failure is an illusion, a trickster full of irony, and shows up just when success is almost a reality. Recognize this and take the next step. Do not succumb to failure, it's an illusion created in one's mind. Find the lesson that "failure" is teaching you, and turn it around. Consider it another hurdle you have conquered.
To be successful, you have to be success conscious. Most of us have been conditioned to be failure conscious, as if failure has become the norm. Failure is not the norm; it's not the way nature is designed. Everyone needs to lose the concept that only 1% succeeds, and the rest are slaves to the monetary system. It's not true, don't fall for the lies! Desire means knowing what you want, and because you know exactly what you want, you can now get it! You have to see it in your mind. You have to have this desire become a part of everything you do; it becomes a part of your being.
So let's take the method by which desire, for anything, but let's use getting rich as an example. It consists of just 6 simple steps. Simple by principle, doing it is up to you. You will probably want professional assistance with this, but I'll give them to you anyway.
1. You have to fix in your mind exactly what you want. You have to know the exact amount of money you wish to have and when. Abstracts like "lots" of money doesn't work.
2. There is no such thing as something for nothing. You have to determine exactly what you're going to do to make this happen. At what price, meaning your effort, will you invest?
3. You have to have a definite date when this will be realized. Make the date and write it down.
4. You have to make a plan to carry out your desire, and start right now! Don't think you're not ready, just do it now. To make this work, you have to act, do it now.
5. Now that you've done steps 1-4, let's make it a clear concise statement. Put down the amount of money, the time limit, what you intend to give, (meaning your time and effort etc) and clearly describe the plan you intend to do in which to realize your desire.
6. Do this every day! Read what you've written down every day, twice! First thing in the morning and just before going to bed at night. As you read your statement, you have to feel the money, believe you have the money already. This isn't hocus pocus, but very important.
Remember this: no one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality, and it takes no more effort to aim high in life and prosper than it takes to fail. It's just as easy fail, as it is to succeed, and vice versa.
All this takes is 6 minutes a day of effort, that's it. If you don't know how to go about this, like I said before, take the guidance of a professional. But at six minutes a day, how could you not? You and 90-something percent of the people out there have not realized their dreams because they just didn't know how! Now you can have a teacher, a proven leader that will personally work with you every day. Just do it. Why would you not? Do you want, or desire to be successful? Just do it. You do the research. Do you still want to be rich, or are you going to be rich? It's up to you.
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